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In conversation with YANKEE PARASAR | Q10 | NeSocial

"Remember me as a women with substance and a vision"

Hi, my name is Yankee Parashar, I am an actor and an anchor by profession. I am from Guwahati, born, brought up and have done my schooling from here itself. 

Most of them who meet me says, I carry a strong head personality, so I would say my presence and my existence when I am in my room or around people is something that people can not resist about me.

Q.1 What helps you to stay positive and motivated all day long?

YANKEE- One thing that helps me to stay positive and motivated all day is having a good heart and most importantly thinking good about yourself and others too. The one thing that keeps me going always is that I never think bad about others, I never try to hurt other people or cheat on others which would somewhat make my day bad. My mantra is to wake up in the morning do good and think good for yourself as well as for others and that keeps me motivated and letting the past sway will eventually not create any barriers in the days to come. Also, you should always be smiling, and you should have the art of accepting things, that will keep you positive in your future and it will keep your day going.

Q.2 One thing that has changed your life completely?

YANKEE- Changes are very natural, every human body or living thing goes through changes may it be physically, mentally, or spiritually. Changes are very natural, I think it happens with the course of time. Apart from that one thing that has changed my life completely is the day when I started earning. I believe when a woman is financially independent, it radiates a certain power, vision, and increases the stake at your game, the sheer independency leads you to take self-decision, do what is right for you, that sums up how my life has changed,  also the day when maturity struck and I started noticing things revolving around, is the day that I would say my life has changed completely.

Q.3 Three lifestyle habits that you swear by.

YANKEE- One thing could be to remain in constant touch with your parents, no matter how bad your day is going or how rough it is, there should always be someone who you share your things or feelings with. It could be your family, friends, your loved ones, even your pets. It relieves a lot of stress, that is one habit I swear by. The other lifestyle habit would be, exercising of course. Even if you’re not working too much, a bit of running or walking is very much necessary to your body system. Also I believe getting an adequate sleep of at least 5-6 hours a night, would boost your body and mind to operate with a fresh note when the morning starts. These are the three lifestyle habits that I practice to keep moving forward.

Q.4 What is fashion for you and what do you think of current fashion?

YANKEE- Always said this, fashion for me is not that I see a trend and copy it or try to be someone else. From the very beginning, I have understood that everyone is different and everybody has got their own shapes and features. I think fashion is an aesthetic and when it comes to your fashion, it's important that you understand your aesthetic, everyone looks different on diverse trends, so it's according to your body structure and your facial feature. Adding to this, I believe even if you’re very fashionable, your trends are up to date but if you do not have the personality to walk in to the room and exuberant that confidence you it simply doesn’t imply, so fashion for me is the confidence and be able to carry the thing you are wearing and being yourself at the same time.

I believe what suits me, what looks good on me at that particular moment, I do that. Supposedly Dressing according to the occasion so it has nothing to do with the current trend be it be a birthday party I would dress accordingly. If I am attending a funeral I would dress accordingly, so it's always according to the occasion and the situation.

Q.5 Challenges that you face being a woman in the workplace.

YANKEE- Women in a workplace, you have to face challenges from day one may be its mentally or physically, at times you need to prove your worth that you're better than the men working in the same par with you. Yes I did face lots of challenges, but my family played a bigger role and never differentiated between a boy and a girl and that made me a much stronger person. I know my rights, I know where to speak up and it's high time that they be paying both the genders equally due to the equal effort, dedication to  that is put forward in a workplace. I did face at times, there were people who tried to take advantage of me, just because I was a young, vulnerable and new to the industry , new to the market and I was not very much experienced but as I said as time moves on, we become matured, we understand things, we learn, we acknowledge and then we go and fight the battles.

Q.6 What's your favorite Assamese movie and why?

YANKEE- Wells that’s a tricky question, but I would say the movie where I worked in , which gave my first break in the industry, Mission china because I have worked there as the lead heroine.There is another beautiful movie called “Halodhiya Sorai Baudhan Khai", it was a beautiful art kind of picture and  I watched it with my mom. Olop puroni hoi, it’s a little old, classic kinda movie, so yeah I liked it.

Q.7 What's your take on the COVID pandemic?

YANKEE- It's high time, that we should start protecting our nature, preserving our environment, our animals, understanding the importance of oxygen, planting of more trees. The pandemic has taught us a big lesson and the only reason I am saying this is because we are going to be blamed and we are responsible for this. Today we are lacking oxygen, I don’t believe it's because of the pandemic but it's due to our negligence and the lifestyle we follow.

Q.8 A favourite quote of yours?

YANKEE- One of my favorite quote is by Marilyn Monroe, and I loved her, I loved her as a woman and she said – “A girl does not need anyone who doesn’t need her” I really loved that quote and I think every women or girl should swear by it.

Q.9 A thing that defines you? ( the word needs to be in Assamese).

YANKEE- I think a thing that would define me would be “অপ্ৰতিৰোধ্য” meaning “Unstoppable”.

Q.10 What would you like remembered about you?

YANKEE- I would love to be remembered as a woman with substance and a vision.

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